MYCORRHIZA | Krishi rasayan | Natural Soil Enhancer for Plant Growth | Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM)

MYCORRHIZA | Krishi rasayan | Natural Soil Enhancer for Plant Growth | Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM)
₹ 11,000.00
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MYCORRHIZA| Krishi Rasayan | Natural Soil Enhancer for Plant Growth | Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM)
VAM is a specially
formulated Mycorrhiza, consisting of viable endospores that is formed by the
symbiotic relations between certian fungi and angiosperm roots. This
formulation consists of naturally derived phyto-compounds and amino acids. Upon
application, VAM stimulate various plant biochemical process related to growth
enhancement and yield. VAM is non-phytotoxic product designed to apply through
drip irrigation system or mixed with media, at all vegetative structure. The
product is designed by trying various combinations of plant growth stimulants
in various ratios. And is standardized by the efficacy trials which is analyzed
via field trials.
An Endomycorrhiza arbuscular mycorrhiza (plural mycorrhizae
or mycorrhizas) is a type of mycorrhiza in which the fungus penetrates the
cortical cells of the roots of a vascular plant. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AMs)
are characterized by the formation of unique structures such as arbuscules and
vesicles by fungi of the phylum Glomeromycota (AM fungi). AM fungi help plants
to capture nutrients such as phosphorus and micronutrients from the soil. It is
believed that the development of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis played a
crucial role in the initial colonization of land by plants and in the evolution
of the vascular plants.
Other most important active ingredient is bio catalyst. The
present formulation helps the overall growth of plants and utilizes maximum
from field. The combination is effective for use as Drip irrigation as well as
broadcasting along with FYM or other commonly used chemical fertilizers.
Recommended Crop:
Vegetables : Tomato Brinjal Chilli Capsicum Onion Garlic Potato Cucumber Gourds Cauliflower Cabbage Peas Oil seed & Pulses | Cereals : Rice Wheat Maize | Cash crops : Sugarcane Cotton Tea Coffee | Fruit crops : Banana Papaya Melon Grape Apple Citrus |
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